How to Prepare Your Yard for A New Swing Set

Yard Preparation for a Swing Set Site

So you’ve decided to move forward with buying a swing set for your yard. How exciting! As you wait for your new swing set to arrive, one of the most important things you’re going to have to decide is where in your yard the new swing set will go. So you don’t have to worry about forgetting anything, we’ve come up with some swing set site preparation tips!

Tip #1: Measure the Footprint

Whether you purchased your Rainbow Play swing set at a showroom or online, make sure you take note of the measurements. You’re going to want to be aware of the full width of your set, as well as any other playset dimensions that will take up a large amount of space in your yard.

Some customers want smaller swing sets despite having large yards, while others prioritize large swing sets in small yards. Everyone’s different, but measuring is definitely an important part of swing set site preparation.

Tip #2: Level Ground

Another crucial swing set site preparation step is to consider where the flattest part of your yard is. Rainbow Play is proud to offer swing sets for uneven yards, but if a part of your yard is flat, installing will be nice and easy.

If you have a mostly flat yard, where the base sits nicely but there’s a divot under where the swings will be, we advise you to look for a different spot. If there’s divots between the bases of your swing set, you’re just asking for your playspace to sit in a large puddle.

Tip #3: Find Shade

It’s always a good idea during your swing set site preparation to consider where in your yard (if anywhere) gets good shade. Whether it’s under a large tree, or on the side of your home, putting your swing set in a shady spot can make for a more enjoyable experience for your children. Plus, less risk of sunburn!

Tip #4: Move Away from Obstructions

Speaking of the positioning of your swing set site, make sure during preparation that you’re picking potential spots that aren’t too close to the house, other buildings or trees. Even though your swing set hasn’t arrived yet, do some measuring and make sure that even when your child is swinging their highest, they won’t be too close to an obstruction. Rainbow Play handles the safety on our side, you can do the same!

Tip #5: Prepare the Ground

Once you’ve made your decision for your home’s swing set site, the final step in preparation is to clean up the space! Pick up twigs, rocks, and other things that could create uneven ground or be painful to play on. If the space is grassy, give it a good mow, and you’re set.

This step is swing set site preparation also helps installation go smoothly!

Need More Tips on Swing Set Site Preparation?

Whether you’re just beginning the shopping process, or know exactly what you’re envisioning for your home’s swing set, stop into a showroom near you! There, you’ll be able to discuss measurements, shop swing set accessories, and get more tips specific to your space.

Choose up to three products.